JAKARTA - Thousand Islands Police Officers arrested a young man with the initials SP (17), of Kampung Rawa, Desa Karang Serang, Tangerang. SP arrested for recording and disseminating video nasty he was with his girlfriend with the initials TA (16).
"The perpetrator intentionally grasp because we are recording a video nasty did actor and his girlfriend," explained the Thousand Islands District Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Hero Hendrianto Bachtiar when contacted journalists.
Hero explained, the action was done nasty TA and SP on June 4, 2011 and on the island Tidung. Nasty scenes that made the couple romantic couple is then recorded by the SP.
"The record is SP. Her boyfriend did not," he said.
However, as smart-smart save the carcass, the stench smell too. This nasty scene broke into a number of residents in parts of South Thousand Islands after a resident saw a scene that made both via video format 3gp.
"Until FY father informs residents that if their children act of intercourse with the SP," he said.
Hearing this, the father was furious. He then interrogated the TA-related news which makes it a disgrace for him. "TA finally admitted that he did the act of intercourse with the perpetrator," he said.
No thank her humiliated like that, the father of SP was reported to the police. Perpetrators were arrested by police on Saturday (2 / 7) night at his home.
Police are still investigating who the spreader pornographic videotape. Perpetrator himself denied he had been spreading the recording.
"While he does not claim to have spread the rekama it. According to his testimony, during a visit to his friend's house and had left for handphonenya dicas," lid Hero.
As a result of the offense, the SP must now suffer the consequences. SP snared Article 82 of Law Decree No. 23 of 2002 on the protection of children and or Article 290 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code punishable by a maximum of 15 years in prison.
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