Gunungkidul. (Yogyakarta) - An in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta own record porn images. Then hp which is used to record the sale and forgot to remove the video. Consequently personal video was circulated widely.
Video recordings like husband and wife with similar location in one dorm room, it was believed by some people who saw it, played by residents of Gunungkidul. This is seen from the accent in the contents of the tape. From recording the dialogue seems both husband and wife are not spouses, but couples who have an affair.
"In the tape, the man had asked about the husband of the woman, when they undress. Wonosari They also mention the city," said one resident, Thursday, June 2 20 911.
Circulation of a video nasty of this makes the parents become worried and anxious. Now many of their children who are still sitting dibangku SD already has the phone for communication with friends and companions.
Obtained information, the video came from an HP sold in one of the merchants HP. Seller hp forgot or did not know how to remove a video that allegedly recorded himself.
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